Understanding their journey

Children put a lot of energy into areas of development and one builds on top of another one - there’s no rush; progress is the name of the game. 

Our school experience is tailored around the elements we believe are important for development at different stages. Moreover, we meet each child where they are on their journey. After all, we’re all unique.

At Ysgol Sant Baruc, we meet our children’s developmental priorities, and we understand their journey. 

  • 3-5-ages.svg

    3-5 years old

    Play. It’s a serious business!

    During these early years, play is essential for well-being and physical development. Play nurtures curious little people, building strong social skills. By combining rich, broad play opportunities and engaging experiences, children develop life-long skills from their first steps, preparing them for the journey ahead.

  • 5-7-ages.svg

    5-7 years old

    Fluency, fun, and friendships is the name of the game.

    Play, discovery, and creativity are the lifeblood of socially engaged and curious children. All this happens through the medium of Welsh – a total immersion – and children delight and take pride in their growing fluency. Children are confident to explore, imagine, and develop, firmly rooted in their new friendships, and their school community.

  • 7-9-ages.svg

    7-9 years old

    Inquisitive, friendly people – starting to explore, discover and play in their growing world.

    By this age, children speak fluently – in Welsh and English – about past, present, and future events. Be warned: they’ll come home with plenty to say! Exciting, engaging group experiences, including adventurous activities and overnight residential trips, will cement and deepen relationships, allowing children’s knowledge and skills to mature. 

  • 9-11-ages.svg

    9-11 years old

    The world is big; and possibilities are endless.

    The enormity of the universe surrounding them begins to dawn on a child’s changing brain and body. Nurture, play, and learning remain crucial to their development. It’s in this age bracket that skills and knowledge catapult forward, and children appear to grow before our eyes.  Independence is suddenly immensely important, and the 9-11yo curriculum is designed with a child’s agency in mind. 

    We challenge children, supporting them to take care of themselves independently. We urge them to venture out of their comfort zones, and we work on improving their organisational skills as we all prepare for the next step in their journey – Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Morganwwg.